Sunday, June 12, 2011

Net Neutrality

Have you heard about this thing called "Net Neutrality"? I hadn't before today and now I am all fired up. My fingers can't hardly keep up with my brain.

Okay so I am currently taking a HTML class and my teacher brought up this topic for our discussion for this week. He shared some really good links that I'll share with you too.

Wikipedia defines "Network neutrality (also net neutrality, Internet neutrality) is a principle which advocates no restrictions by Internet service providers or governments on consumers' access to networks that participate in the internet." Go there and read there is more too.

So the issue is that big businesses like AT&T, Verizon, Comcast and Time Warner Cable are lobbying our government to end net neutrality and let them control what they allow us to see ON THE INTERNET.

THAT IS JUST CRAZY TALK! I know it sounds nuts, here are some links where you can learn more.

Save the So, apparently over 2 million people have heard about this before me and banded together so if you haven't already, go there. They also have lots of good information.

Common another place where people are banding together to fight for our freedoms on the internet and another place where you can make your voice heard. (I really must be living in a cave with my head buried in the sand.)

Finally there is which is an e-forum promoting competitive internet choices for consumers. I love their counter in the upper right corner plus, yep, they have more good information.

So I beg you if you didn't hear about net neutrality like me and have been nose to the grindstone living your life oblivious to what is going on in the world around you, go read learn and decide for yourself.

Do you want someone else to decide what you can see over the internet?

Leave me a message and tell me, had you heard already? What are your thoughts?

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