Thursday, January 26, 2012

Writing a Socratic Dialogue

This Rhetoric class is one where I read the assigned readings and they are interesting and different from anything I've ever read before, I understand them and what they are saying but then I go to class and listen to the people in my class (who have obviously had other classes that have read material like this before) talk and I feel like an idiot. I don't know what they are talking about half the time because they are referencing other authors and their writings that I have never heard of or read. My professor is awesome though and he usually has a way of putting it all together in a way that I can understand and then I get what they were referring to and/or comparing. Egads, this is all so new and weird for me it feels like I felt in my creative writing class when everybody else there seem to have a great time just creating and I struggled. Which brings me to this Socratic Dialogue assignment. I am struggling. Mostly because I do not have much experience with the creative writing world and this assignment is asking me to creatively write a Socratic Dialogue.

So I have started researching and I found a great website that has a lot of good information about how to write a Socratic Dialogue. as I find more I will update this post and include them and I'll update it again to let you know how it all goes or create a new one.

Hopefully someone else will find this useful to them. If you do please leave a comment. Thanks